Friday, June 19, 2009

Trip to the Mall and Other Random Stuff

Carver and I went to the mall a few days ago to do some Father's Day shopping. It had been at least 6 months since we had been to the mall in Nashville. While we were there, we realized they now have a train ride that takes you all around the mall. Of course, Carver wanted to ride the train but since it was just he and I, we couldn't abandon the stroller (well.... I didn't want to) to take the ride. I promised Carver that we would come back with Daddy so one of us could ride with him. Well... we took him tonight! Carver was so excited to go back to the mall and get to ride the train. He has talked about it all day. Here are a few pics from our family trip to the mall. I don't think I have ever been to the mall to just play and not shop. It was nice!

This was Carver's other favorite part of the night. During our last trip to the mall, Carver and I stopped to see this hippo outside of The Rainforest Cafe. When we had to leave, he cried because he wanted to go back and see the hippo. I finally had to tell him that the hippo was sleeping and that seemed to do the trick.

Carver was happy to get to see his friend again tonight. Carver asked if he could give the hippo a kiss. He is so sweet (sometimes) !! Ha..

This picture is a little blurry, but between all the other kids coming over to see the hippo, I was only able to snap two shots in the five minutes we sat there. Oh well... you get the idea.

Onto the random stuff....

This is something I got at one of my favorite antique shops the other day. I got it for 10 bucks. I thought it was like one of those chip stands... you know where the chips clip on to it. I think that is what it is but when I was checking out, the woman wrote on a piece of paper that she sold the card holder. I thought that was funny since that is what I will be using it for. Maybe not cards, but other crafty goods. I am going to use it at the craft fairs this fall to hold packs of tags or something like that. Then I will start using it in my craft room to hang my favorite stickers, thickers, embellishments, etc. I just love it....!!

These are some pics of an approaching storm. We have had a lot of stormy weather lately and it has been so hot the past few days! I love storms! I don't know why. They scare me and I don't want anyone to get hurt or to lose their home. I guess I am just weird!

The last picture I want to share is of my sweet little boy sleeping in his big boy bed. I took this picture this past Sunday. I was trying to wake Carver up so we could get ready to head back to church and he DID NOT want to get out of bed. I thought it would be a good time to take a few shots of him sleeping!

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